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GANARTS Pottery Studio Rules and Regulations

Focusing on transforming our community and lives throughthe power of creative expression

The Gananoque Arts Network (GAN) is a safe and inclusive space, free from prejudice and judgement.  All races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders and sexual orientations are welcome here.


Come and express your creativity with us.

Our equipment, tools, space and creations must be respected.


Studio Etiquette

  • Treat the people, studio, and equipment with care, respect and kindness

  • Help each other out and be nice; please do not offer criticism unless it is asked for

  • Be considerate of others work, do not touch, move or bump work that does not belong to you

  • If you use the studios tools, be sure to clean them properly and put them back where they belong

  • Help to conserve water! wipe down splash pan with water off, turn it back on for the final rinse

  • After use, everything needs to be cleaned and returned to its correct place

  • Clean as you go, always make sure your last wipe is with a clean wringed-out sponge

  • No ‘holding’ of pottery wheel while you work on something else

  • If you are done in one area, do not move to another without cleaning up first

  • After you are done on the wheel, clean wheel, splash pan, table, wheel legs, chair, water bucket

  • Place pedal, cord, and stool on top of wheel, wipe down floor around your wheel with sponge

  • Place clay scraps & slip/slop in recycle bucket; nothing from the floor or sink goes in the recycle bucket. Put it in the garbage instead.

  • Rinse out any sponges you’ve used and put them away clean

  • Make sure to label all your personal tools with a marker

  • Make sure ALL clay and greenware is labeled with your name & date.

  • Make sure all greenware is signed on the bottom before putting on the ‘to-be bisqued’ shelf



  • Cover and clearly label & date any greenware and place on appropriate shelves (excluding kids work)

  • Work or clay not properly labeled may be discarded

  • We currently have limited storage cubbies available for your clay. Please mark your space with masking tape. Please take tools/towels/etc. home with you.  



  • We fire our Cone Art electric kilns to cone 5/6 oxidation for glazing

  • We do not do any single firings- all work must be bisque fired first

  • Thoroughly stir all glazes; improperly mixed glazes result in altered glaze composition over time

  • Do not cross contaminate glazes; if a glaze is accidentally poured in another glaze, let Anneke know

  • When finished glazing, wipe down glaze counter and any excess glaze you’ve spilled on buckets or floor

  • Keep bottom ¼” of each piece glaze free, make sure to wipe any glaze off bottom with a clean sponge.

  • Push glaze buckets back under counter when you are through, with the labels clearly visible for the next person



  • Wear appropriate clothing and closed toed footwear

  • No touching/unloading/loading of kilns is allowed; firings will be loaded by GANARTS team members only

  • Any accidents/broken items need to be reported asap

  • Keep dust down- this is imperative for everyone’s safety

  • No sweeping/sanding in the studio, it raises silica dust which can stay airborne for days

  • If you wish to do any sanding do so outside in the back with a mask on.

  • Any questions, concerns, ideas, clarifications, etc. should be taken directly to the GAN Administrator

The studio equipment is available for your use when not being used for a class.

Please sign in and out with your full name, date and time, in the SIGN-UP BOOK over the back sink!

There will be regular monthly firings, loaded and emptied by team members only.

Bisque firings, cone 05, will be loaded on the third Friday of each month.

Glaze firings, cone 6, will be loaded on the fourth Friday of each month.

Open Studio is available ONLY to Open Studio members, no guests allowed.
Failure to follow these Rules and Regulations will be considered a breach of the agreement and will end ones’ privileges.


Contact information:



​We have just started to open the studio to our local potters. Please help us make this a success!!

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