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What's Happening @ GAN:


January 2025

Events are held at the GAN space, 167 King St. E, Gananoque and are free
unless otherwise noted.

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Greetings from our Chair


Dear Subscribers,


Happy New Year!!!!


It is amazing how quickly a year goes by and to realize the accomplishments GAN has achieved.


Everything from 3rd place nationally in the top 10 rural communities category in a Canada wide Culture Event to a  very successful Noel Bullock Gallery series of exhibits. Our pottery program continues to grow and children and seniors programs have been popular.


Volunteers make this happen and to offer more exciting programming we need you. We are looking for bilingual instructors to provide classes in both official languages. Our programming committee is beginning the year with a new chair. I'm expecting new ideas and a focus on youth, Indigenous, bilingual, children’s, and seniors' programming.


Please become active with GAN and help make our community arts centre a major force in our town.


Thank you, merci

Guaranteed to lift mid-winter spirits, the "Green/Blue/Water/Sky” show featuring the works of 32 artists is on display now until the end of February. 


Click here for details.

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